PASTI200M is a special site has a rewards for loyal players who have reached VIP program is designed to reward players who have consistently engaged with the platform offering them extra advantages and recognition. Loyal members who achieve VIP status can unlock a range of exclusive perks ensuring they receive the highest level of service and benefits. These privileges include priority support, personalized offers and access to events or promotions tailored specifically to their preferences. PASTI200M aims to create a rewarding and enjoyable environment for its loyal members ensuring they feel valued and appreciated.

Jen Wittman, Holistic Health Expert & Vitality Coach


Are you living off a steady diet of unhealthy foods, major stress, and zero time to exercise, take care of yourself or pursue your passions? That recipe won’t work!…especially when you’re actually craving a dynamic dose of health, balance and energy. Who said cravings can’t be good?


“WOW, did Jen make the difference in my life and career! She helped me focus on the parts of my business that I am truly passionate about and the clear suggestions that Jen gave me to pursue those areas almost immediately boosted my confidence and my list. Every tactic she taught me gets me results. I feel happier and less stressed and I’m more excited than ever about the future of my business.”

-Sarah A., Los Angeles, CA

“I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Jen. Her depth of knowledge is incredible and invaluable, but it is her warm and nurturing manner that I especially appreciate. It wasn’t easy to crack the shell my unhealthful defense mechanisms. Jen’s approach is to melt away your self-defeating inner dialogue with facts, positive experiences and encouragement. It is a winning formula.”

Helen L., Pacific Palisades, CA

“Jen was instrumental in getting me through the last months of my Ph. D. with some semblance of a normal schedule. She provided tons of support on how to fit in everything I needed to do to get my degree while still keeping time for the things I needed to do for me like exercise or time with friends and family. Now that I’m through that push, she is helping me to develop a lifestyle and diet that’s the healthiest for my body.”

Katie M., Ph.D., Culver City, CA